Thursday, January 20, 2011

Loss of a Brother in Law

Christmas morning, we found my brother in law Vince he had passed away in the night.  It is the saddest thing ever to happen to any of us.  I have known him since he was 14 years old and since Anthony was his older brother as well as his best friend he was always around us.  He would call me to vent about things and I always felt like he cared about my opinions and took them to heart.  He always made every one feel happy when he came into the room.  I loved how he was a guys guy, but he always loved all the same girly shows that I liked, like real house wives or Jersey shore.  He was a guy you just always wanted to be around.  He was so thankful if I cooked for him and made me want to cook every time I saw him I felt like I was Martha Stewart when i was around him.  What a tragedy.  How will we ever get over something like this.  He would always tell me how much he loved and admired his older brother Anthony.  the love this family has for one another is really something to admire and something I was so happy to be apart of.  I had Rylee 1 Year ago, and when I look at her I feel a deep love I find myself starring at her with this warmth and love that you can not explain unless you have had a child.  I would stare at her and say to myself I can't believe she is mine.  My whole family loves Rylee, but no one accept Vince did what I did.  He would look at Rylee and open his eyes and have this stare and say I am he uncle I can't believe I am an uncle I can't believe she is my blood and then just smile and stare at her with this love the love I knew because I felt the same way.   Even Anthony didn't have that same stare and he loves Rylee to death, but Vince was the only other person to have that stare that appreciation .  He was such a deep person who really appreciated life and the miracles in it.  He always told me I am going to be her favorite uncle.  She is going to come to you and say Mommy I want to go to uncle Vinces house we are going to have a special bond.  He would say and imagine that.  So why if he could see it did this happen.  I am so confused and so sad that he does not get that chance.  He would have been so involved he always was.  He thought since my parents and brothers and sisters where Anthony's inlaws, that meant they were his. He always wanted to go every where with us .  I just don't know how to ever really get over something like this.  I know 100 percent he is in heaven, because he was a great person.  I know he is in a better place, and this world in a blink in time compared to how long and eternity is in heaven, but I just wish that he was here. with all of us.  He was the baby of the family, but such an important part of the family.  I just hope he knows how important he was to all of us.  He loved the chiefs yes, but he was so much more then just a Cheifs fan.  Life goes on, but our lives will never be the same and we will always wish he was with us.  In life we can not wait for tomorrow, because there may not be tomorrow and this changes the way I view life .

RIP Vincent DeMaio

1 comment:

  1. That’s a lovely about Vince. Sounds like the perfect guy but he obviously was suffering from something else to end up passing in a tragic way. Rylee has many Uncles still. Danny. Brett Beau. Justin. Blake. Anthony C. Casey C. Eric.

    It hurts to lose anyone and this is why you should never take any family member for granted. We all are vulnerable to disease. Tragedy and even terrorism today. Vince was a special boy. Sorry for his loss.
